Beiträge von bigtree

    Jepp, our international customer number is increasing ^^

    A warm welcome to the LinerTreff and high five from the german Sauerland. Your registration ist a wonderful idea as we are really interested to get some information regarding Scottland as a dreamful area to visit by motorhomes. Ourself we are currentlich planning to have a fortnight in Scottland during a holyday in Britain. So it is really nice to have one who knows the area and could spent some helpful information.


    If I can help with information about Scotland just ask,we did most of the NC500 last year if this is of interest to you.

    Hello all,

    Just joined yesterday and looking for information on the N&B 830 LE, I currently have a Frankia i7900 which I have had for 8 years. Most of our touring is on the continent but have to slog 800km through Britain to get there. This is a picture at our favourite spot in Portugal.
