Morelo Flooring damage

  • Something has dropped on the floor and created an indent, see picture. The flooring is soft foam backed I think. Is there a way to pull the dent out?


    the deformation has occurred by a very high force on the material was applied punctually, that is not a material defectif it is real wood it could have had a branch, the material on the ground is plastic.
    best regards ulli

  • Bloody shi-- ... There are pads available for denting at cars. This pads would be glued to the damaged area (dongs) to pull the dents. Might be that this would be useful to get the dent from the floor at well.

    Repair Kit


  • Michael,

    I have a similar damage in the entrance area. Unfortunately, I cannot say anymore if the damage was already given upon delivery or not.

    Like in your case, I assume that the soft PVC surface has been cut and the small piece has gone. A pity, but a fact.

    Hot Iron and wet towel only works with wooden surfaces, or when the PVC is o. k, and really the wooden surface below has been dented.

    But I think, your floor is same than ours in the Flair, an Aluminum sandwich below the PVC, so hardly any chance to pull the dent out.

    A damaged PVC could be "repaired" by punching the the damaged part with a hole punch tool and punching a similar part from the same flooring PVC (eventually from under the kitchen block) and have it glued in. But my personal feeling is that even the repaired area will never look again like new, or even worse, will not remain in place.

    Maybe best way is to simply look over it.... :/:cursing:

    Fortunately, at least in my case, the damage is in the entrance area, where we place a doormat anyway.



    Wenn man Morgens statt zur Arbeit direkt an´s Meer fährt, geht´s eigentlich....

    Mit Frau und Hund unterwegs im N&B Flair 880 LE ...

  • Maybe best way is to simply look over it....

    If you can see it and if you can touch it, it´s real. If you can see it and if you can´t touch it - it´s virtuell. If you can´t see it and if you can´t touch it ... it´s gone :D
