Beiträge von michaels

    Good Morning Peter,

    Thank you for that. Did you decide by reference to:-

    • an EC or Morelo manual to operate with these pressures
    • or are they those set by the factory which you have continued with

    I have a Morelo Manual but it is all Daily chassis data, so pointless! I have yet to pursue M over this. I do have the Mercedes Atego Android app which is a good tool. The figures I have quoted are from the app. They are specific to tyre loading and axle weight.

    Mercedes advise a significantly lower operating pressure. I have listed them. What do Iveco advise if not as you quote?

    Hope things go well, I have several issues at the moment, no running lights (from new and did not realise) and the factory have a different wiring plan from that on my LIner, alarm will not arm (suddenly failed), some missing remotes, and several more. Overall we love the Liner, it is just silly errors that can create so much wasted time resolving.

    Good luck with the translation!


    Do you have a picture of your Sun blocker rods? I too use Peggy bases.

    285/70R 19.5

    Front 4900kg axle, loading 146, Mercedes suggested 102psi (7.0 bar) but M factory set at 115psi

    Rear 8100kg axle, loading 144, Mercedes suggested 87psi (6.00bar) but M factory set at 102psi

    What do you set yours at?


    Great move. I have paralleled 2 off Multi 3kw in the past, it is a great solution for 2 reasons.
    1. Added inversion and charging capacity
    2. Redundancy in case of failure (as you already have identified)

    Only minus is that the 2kw units do not have 2 AC out, by that I mean the option of both high and low load split consumers being "seen" by the multi so that it provides UPS support over the whole van EHU consumption. But a minor issue considering how you have arrived at this destination.

    As a previous Flair owner (post 2015, so new design) I am used to contemporary locker access. The exterior flaps on the Palace Liner did not look good compared to many of today's designs, however we proceeded to buy. I have found the access they provide to be more convenient than the Flair so have overcome my reticence, at least from the practical viewpoint.


    They drop down onto the GRP below and I am concerned about future damage risks. How do M and even C owners protect the surface below from damage with these flaps. Stick on bumpers of some description? Experienced users please post some pictures of your solutions. :thumbup:


    I have found the box and resolved the issues. I want 2 extra FOBs. The UK CBE distributor does not import them. My online search has not been fruitful can someone give me a link to an online supplier in DE? Thank you.

    I had the same problem on my 2019 Palace Liner and I spent some time, synching gobs and emailing my dealer. I identified that one garage door was not shutting properly. It looked closed but on release and then firmly closing with 2 hands at each lock point ensured full closure. It will be something simple!

    Hünerkopf is a factory.

    I have no knowledge of Hünerkopf, although from the posts on here they seem very skilled and indeed the slide out on my Palace Liner is made by them, but I did say "factory during build".

    Precisely why I specified the Mercedes Atego 12ton chassis on my Morelo with a slide out. When I placed my order in March 2018, Morelo could have sold me a Palace on a Daily with a slide out, (now not available), if manufacturers offer it gullible purchasers will buy, but I agree it is a pointless exercise. Once I decided I wanted to go back to having a slide out I accepted that the only way was to go >7.49, before I even spoke to Morelo. I also think putting a car in the back of a Daily chassis is an unnecessary test on the chassis but that would be a nuclear discussion on here I suspect!


    Thanks Klaus, not sure exactly what I am looking for as the CBE manual is at 2 pages virtually useless. But the hunt will start tomorrow now I have only a 1 metre square to search!