Victron Cerbo GX in Kombination mit Supersense Füllstandsanzeigen

  • Congrats Heiko - very nice Grafana?? or IO Broker ?? programming

    Hi Dirk,

    thanks! It's made with ioBroker and a lot of Javascript stuff. The project is still in progress. But yes, if I'll find some time, I'm gonna share the relevant information in a project script ;)

  • Endgültiger Übergang von Buttner zu Victron und Assimilation der Supersense-Sensoren. Morelo schnitt für mich eine neue Türverkleidung mit CP und Slide Out und Alde, und ich schnitt die Victron-Fernbedienung und Touch hinein. Also jetzt eine ordentliche minimalistische Sichtweise.

    Was kann ich jetzt tun? :00010164:

  • Hi Dirk,


    Today I have been playing with the tanks and refilling them to check the sensor resistance when full. I needed to adjust the full resistance slightly too as you identified for empty. Can I ask is there a lag in the speed of display via the interface and the Cerbo on your system. As I fill and watch the Supersense app display it seems to give real time readings, however the Cerbo display has a very distinct lag of maybe 60 seconds or more behind the app. It does eventually settle at a synchronised reading. When I put a meter across the the output of the interface it did seem to pulse so I am wondering if its output is not real time. or if I have another issue? Its not life or death I am just trying to understand the process.



    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Hi Michael,

    sorry I can't give you any advice here because I didn't check this so far.

    Will take some time because my Flair is still on hibernation :)

    Next week I will wake it up than I could check



  • Thanks, it will be interesting to understand. Josef

    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Josef hat erklärt, dass die Verzögerung bei der Aktualisierung der Änderungen des Tankvolumens durch Cerbo eine Cerbo-Funktion ist, die wahrscheinlich oszillierende Pegel vermeidet. Zumindest weiß ich, dass es kein Installationsfehler meinerseits ist :thumbup:

    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Oh, Michael, there might be al lot :-))

    E.g. changing the position of the CerboGX in a way you don't have to open the cabinet for checking the data :D

    Sure after getting a new panel from Morelo and cutting it for the touch display. You could have told me before I got the saw out. ;(

    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Josef hat erklärt, dass die Verzögerung bei der Aktualisierung der Änderungen des Tankvolumens durch Cerbo eine Cerbo-Funktion ist, die wahrscheinlich oszillierende Pegel vermeidet. Zumindest weiß ich, dass es kein Installationsfehler meinerseits ist :thumbup:

    Hi Michael,

    I checked the delay you described. You can setup this delay

    Water Sensor -> Setup -> averaging time



  • Hi Dirk,

    Thanks for the heads up! I looked at your screen shot and thought, Hmmm I don't have that option! Double checked and its not there! So looked at the firmware status and there was an upgrade to 2.66 waiting. I just have update check not auto install set. So I did the update and there it is!! This is truly the most useful forum! So, what do you believe to be a good setting, I would assume 0 secs would give real time reporting. Have you played with it?

    Best wishes


  • Hi Michael,

    standard seems to be 10s and I believe this should be good. Nothing found against this parameter from my site.



  • Hi Michael,

    standard seems to be 10s and I believe this should be good. Nothing found against this parameter from my site.



    Hi Dirk,

    The only real issue is when refilling, the lag on the display is significant, making it useless to monitor. However as I use the Supersense app when filling its not a problem. Just one of those things that you try to get right for no real benefit other than the satisfaction.


    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Hi Dirk,

    The only real issue is when refilling, the lag on the display is significant, making it useless to monitor. However as I use the Supersense app when filling its not a problem. Just one of those things that you try to get right for no real benefit other than the satisfaction.


    Hi Michael,

    if you want to use it for refill just set it to "0"

    There will be a new screen in the Cerbo in one of the next updates -> maybe than you are able to use it on a different manner



  • Hallo Dirk,

    dein Ausbau mit dem 440 l Dieseltank im Daily macht bestimmt Eindruck ^^^^ .

    VG Stefan

    Hallo Stefan,

    das ist ein Victron Beta Versions Bild - wenn ich so viel Flüssigkeiten mit mir rumschleppen würde komme ich wahrscheinlich keinen Berg mehr hoch :-)) :-)) :-))

