Was War, was Ist und was Wird - Zur Lage der (Liner)Nation

  • Really? GB is part of Europe?
    Lots of GB people consider GB as the continent and Europe as the island, do not they?

    Don't believe everything you see on the TV - Unfortunately the media tries to show this country as obsessive islanders. In my opinion that is not the case. Don't believe the Brexit hype. ^^ For me, important things:
    Trading freely
    Meeting people across the world and forming new friendships
    Sharing the same interests such as driving/ racing Porsche :thumbup:
    Living in harmony
    And yes enjoying our liners

    Not to much to ask and probably very similar to many people across Europe :D

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Don't believe the Brexit hype.

    Pete, I would love to do that but unfortunately your fellow Brits on the island decided to give the mandate for the negotiations into the hands of desperate people. If you guys don´t find a way to stop that you better learn how to fill out a visa application for Europe. ;(

    Besides this I 100% agree with what you say. Seperating is wrong! Let´s keep our fingers crossed that the responsible politicians find a way around this.