Beiträge von michaels

    Hi Rakip,

    As an Englishman with only very limited German I have found this forum a wealth of knowledge. Using Chrome I get on the fly translation which tends to work well when someone is describing a technical detail in more formal German, but once they slip into a more relaxed version then you have to read the comments several times. Having said that many speak excellent or at least passable English which has resolved some misunderstandings on my part. I have learnt so much on here compared to our English forums that it has become my daily must visit!



    It looks the same as the one used by NiBi on my Flair. I have had 2 fail. The installation was wrong! I fitted the 3rd replacement and no problems for 2 years! They are not repairable.


    We specifically chose Morelo because of the slide out in shorter models. Before our Flair we had a 12m Yankee, with 4 slide outs. The space was enormous. A small apartment no less! We went to the N+B Flair 920 for the shorter length, but missed the space to get past each other without a dance move.

    If you consider the extension it is not much different to the space you need to open a flap so does not really create a disadvantage. I would have had a double slide if Morelo did one for the bedroom too.

    The Daily chassis with a slide out is in my opinion a real test on payload and it would seem that Morelo have recognised this too. So we get a 9 metre van with a slide out on a truck chassis.

    We will get our 88LB SLO (only 9.19m) in the second half of May so will report our comparisons to the Yankee solution then. The 12 ton MB chassis is an experience I am excited about too.

    Love it!

    After help on here especially from Ralf @Texan I now understand the stripe options. For those interested in my misunderstanding here it is.
    A number of UK people with Morelos all complained about keeping the black stripe clean. They all had Carbon Graphics. I understood that the black stripe was the carbon graphic option and that to not select the option was to leave it white. With that understanding we decided to not have the black stripe/carbon graphic and an example of this was shown to us by our dealer at the factory in September.
    So we are keeping the shiny black plastic!
    Here are some pictures of the colour matched mirrors.

    Good morning,
    why not make a call to the factory directly on monday - they should know it at its best.



    Hi Elbert, I think I may email Herr L this weekend and phone on Monday. There were a number of issues with the roof plan which were wrong and fortunately I was able to pick up before construction began and these included some items from the original order! However there are other changes that we made during last year, the graphics are an example, and I hope they have not missed all of them too!

    Like you I currently have a Flair (920LF from 2015), although N+B have had their problems, I was fortunate to have a 5* dealer in Ulrich Durrwang who ensured that everything was sorted without pain; Gluck are Kindergarten in comparison, sending me pictures and a roof plan which demonstrated they had no idea about my order, albeit the money of course!


    Morning Ralf,

    Thank you for the clarity. The dealer actually searched the production line to find one without stripes, like the picture I attached, to show us last September when we were agreeing final points. We then agreed that we would have no graphics.

    So as they have put the plain black stripe on already what would be the opinion on me insisting on its removal. It fits under the window frames so would I see issues?



    Ralf, lightbulb moment! I did not realise that there were 2 types of black stripes, because I have seen several Morelos with no stripe like this one for example I assumed that the black stripe was the carbon graphic. Thank you. But what are these without any stripe then? I feel a real moron!
    Edit; Sally just reminded me that when we discussed this at the factory the dealer showed us one on the production line with no stripe like this picture to compare and we said yes we will have that. The black plastic scratches easily with trees.

    After careful consideration at the factory visit we decided not to have the Morelo carbon graphics and we have written confirmation of this in the order acknowledgement. I have been looking closely at the factory pictures I have just received and it would seem that these have been applied. See picture. Can other Morelo owners confirm I am correct?
    Has anyone removed the graphics and does it cause issues with the window frames as the film is fixed to the panel before the windows are fitted. I am trying to consider leaving them on or insisting on their removal.
    Thank you.

    Und nun in diese äußerst positive Hochstimmung kommt Ihr, meine geliebten englischen Freunde, mit dem Brexit daher oder auch nicht. Die ganze Welt versucht tagtäglich auf das Neue zu verstehen, was sich im Vereinigtem Königreich gerade abspielt. Je nach Tagesform: Mal mehr oder weniger erfolgreich ... .

    The British voting public has no chance understanding some of these self centred, egotistical politicians; So the world? What chance?

    As a voter in a simple democracy such as the UK where a win is a win, even if by one vote, we have over the centuries accepted that sometimes your party wins sometimes it loses. You vote in an MP to take decisions on your behalf for a multitude of unforeseen issues and have the opportunity at elections to oust an MP who makes the wrong ones, or whose party deliver the wrong ones. However with the referendum each constituency had its own clear outcome and this outcome leave or remain should be the way that the constituency MP votes in Parliament. He/she has a clear and unequivocal instruction, there is no consideration to be made by the MP. Yet we have 100's of MPs who choose to think that their voters, who by the way voted for them, are racist, too stupid or any number of other criticisms, to make a valid choice, therefore because the MP may be a remainer he/she chooses to ignore his/her voters and frustrate the will of the people and the government.

    To be clear I voted leave, but was to a degree ambivalent. I voted so because of the many times in my life I have been told in business, "sorry Michael you cannot do that, EU law" I will quote you a recent experience. In 2015 I bought a new Flair in Dortmund from Ulrich Durrwang. Super guy by the way. German export plates only offer minimum insurance with no way to upgrade. My UK insurers gave me full comp on the chassis number from the moment I paid Ulrich for the van! Now, 2019, I have a new Morelo, completing build as I write, I hope, and I asked my insurers for the same cover again. They cannot. This is not their business choice but a new EU directive concerning the insurance of EU registered vehicles by other EU nationals. This has outlawed a UK insurer covering a vehicle just "born" in another EU state. A simplistic definition but the crux of the issue in my case.

    But already the pigeons are coming home to roost. Many MPs that have violated their voters trust are now in the process of being deselected, which may focus some of the others to do their duty and vote according to their constituents instruction. So we wait for the next "meaningful vote".


    Hi Michael

    The door sizes are the same and my notes from Dusseldorf show say 1350 inside on the Daily chassis, I have a feeling the MB chassis will be the same.


    Hi Martin,
    Thanks, the reason I ask is because the double floor on the MB is deeper, thus allowing larger tanks for example and making the roof height greater, I know the doors are the same, but wanted to see what clearance I had inside for a rear storage rack. But 1350 is a start thanks.



    I allready see your foto. But I didn't know, that there are different adapters. Now I have the problem to reduce it to the K9000.
    The biggest problem will be the 25 mm screw. Rest will be not so difficult.

    best regards

    Try a marine electronics company for a reducer maybe they can help?
