
  • Hello everybody,
    It’s a pleasure for me to introduce myself to your forum members.

    I’m not very familiar with german langage altrough I spent several years learning it in Gymnasium; that was a long long time ago. Later professional life didn’t give me much opportunity to practice. It’s a good thing however for me to have the possibility to communicate with other people sharing the same interest for campers, and not being necessarly fellow citizens.

    I’m on the way to change my Arto (4,8 t) for a upgraded vehicle. I’m selecting from Concorde, Morelo or Niesmann & Bishoff in the 7.5 t range. From the manufacturers websites, from the vendors in France , I get a lot of information (sometimes unclear or ambiguious) I would like sharing with Owners and so setting my decision the best way possible.

    I bought my Arto from stock, I made a lot of improvements but after a summer using it the the conclusion was : it’s too small and have a limited capacity for what I want to do with it. Beginner mistake: that was the first camper I ever bought.
    Now I know better my actual needs and it automatically aims for those vehicles above. My questions will be mostly technical since at this stage it looks difficult for me (not talking about my wife !) to choose between the interior of a Palace or a Charisma !

    We plan for a camper where we want to live in say -from march to december- mostly Europe south : at first we look for a « bar salon » lay out with a length 8.8-9.0 m, Daily and 7.5 t (Limited by driving licence). I already set Telma, air suspension and hydraulic cylinders.
    Question remains for powerpack : for those wehicle (except NB) the lithium pack looks great but I’m questioning about the real improvment vs the classical set of AGM batteries : what is your opinion about? Does it worth the cost? as an enginner I love it... Is there any reason for NB not proposing a lithium power pack?

    Same question about integrated micro wave oven in Charisma : I haven’t seen any picture or anything on this equipment in documentation ; is it a worthy option or is it better to go for an « homemade » solution?



    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Zausels_Kerl (Martin) ()

  • Hi Martin,

    Welcome to the forum. It‘s a pleasure to have you and I am very confident that you will get a lot of support. One remark though, I believe it would be helpfull to split your introduction. Your question about suitable vehicles, pro‘s and con‘s would better fit in a technical section of the forum and the post will not get stuck in the introduction area were it will not be found later.

    Again welcome

    Glaube nicht alles, was du hörst
    Sage nicht alles, was du willst und
    Tue nicht alles, was du magst

    Aus einem verzagten Arsch kommt kein fröhlicher Furz (M.Luther)

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
    (A. Lincoln)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Texan () aus folgendem Grund: Rechtschreibfehler

  • Hi Martin,

    Welcome to the forum. It‘s a pleasure to have you and I am very confident that you will get a lot of support. One remark though, I believe it would be helpfull to split your introduction. Your question about suitable vehicles, pro‘s and con‘s don‘t would better fit in a technical section of the forum and the post will not get stuck in the introduction area were it will not be found later.

    Again welcome

    Hi Ralf,
    You’re right.I deviated in the introduction. I’ll redirect the questions in the right topics. Thanks for it.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello Joel, anyhow please feel very welcome here in our LinerTreff. :welcome:

    You found the right community to place your questions as the guys here just love to discuss and comment on configurations and options. Just place it like Ralf mentioned and surely you‘ll get much feedback.

    One additional hint: it‘s better to open separate threads for different general topics in order to work on them. It is most likely that otherwise the users will more of less focus on one particular part of the questions and everything else gets lost.

  • Hello Joel,

    welcom from Hann. Münden :00008674:

    Herzliche Grüße

    Aggi und Volker

    Wir träumen nicht unser Leben, wir leben unseren Traum

    mit unserem PhoeniX A 7800 RSLX

  • Hey Joel,

    welcome to this tiny but powerful forum, the best LinerTreff ever ^^

    Asking your questions in the different chapters of this forum will be the best way. At the LinerTreff are a lot of experts regarding the different topics an the answeres will be very helpful.

    Martin from the german Sauerland

  • Hi Joel,

    also welcome from Bochum, western germany.
    Hope you have a lot of fun in our forum.

    Best regards

    Hello ans welcome...

    Greetings, Thomas

    Hi all,
    Many thanks for your warm welcome messages ! Apologizes for all the one I did’nt answer personnally.

    The forum is a valuable source of information, helping me greatly in my project of swap from my actual ARTO to smomething somewhat bigger.

    And then comes to me the time of eternal fight for me to choose from a Morelo or a Concorde , or even a Flair as a challenger (gregariousness from ARTO ?) I don’t think I would have found better place getting infos on those Womos.

    Surely Would I have queries in the near future , being sure having back sound answers from menbers.


  • Fantom

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.