Morelo front side window glazed units

  • I have a friend whose 3.5 year old Palace has a failed doubled glazed window.

    Are these easy to remove? Does anyone have instructions on getting the sealed unit out?

    2019 Morelo Palace Liner 88LB SLO with slide out on MB chassis

  • Michael, this looks like our windows in our 2012 Arto. Manufacturer was Mekuwa and they had repeated issue with the sealing between the two glass layers. Once the water scavenger was saturated, humidity condensed between the layers.

    As described, there are several companies in Germany which are experts in fixing this like "Zentrale Autoglas". Also here in the forum, yo can seach for the company or for Mekuwa and tou will find several threads abut this phenomenon.



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  • Moin,

    wir haben bei unserem Morelo bereits das Fensterelement auf der F-Seite im Oktober 202o ersetzen lassen, im April 2021 kommt die BF-Seite dran..

    Ich würde Deinem Freund empfehlen zunächst bei Morelo vorzusprechen und um Kulanz bitten.

    Morelo ersetzt nicht die Glasscheibe, sondern das ganze Fensterelement mit Rahmen.

    Liebe Grüße
